Democracy Dies in Drabness

City of Charlottesville office building… no, my bad, that's an East German Stasi office building. by Jock Yellott Charlottesville's City Hall used ...

July 21, 2022
5:38 PM

City of Charlottesville office building… no, my bad, that's an East German Stasi office building. by Jock Yellott Charlottesville's City Hall used to be open to its citizens. We could go talk to people. Ask questions. Learn. No longer. Front door locked. A guard in an air conditioned box. A citizen has to justify going inside. Where? Seeing whom? Why? The guard calls upstairs to where I'm supposed to go, but no answer. She calls somebody else to let me in the door. I climb the stairs to the second floor and find… a newly installed second locked door.

James A. Bacon